Welcome to the TIME CO2 Leadership Report

(To get this story in your inbox, subscribe to the TIME CO2 Leadership Report newsletter here.) Over the past decade, my reporting has taken me around the globe to chronicle the events happening…

What to Know About Monoclonal Antibodies as COVID-19 Treatments

COVID-19 is once again surging throughout the U.S., but deaths from the disease don’t seem to be following suit. That’s partly because many people have some level of immunity from vaccination or previous…

Why It’s OK to Say No to That Party You’re Dreading

Don’t stress about turning down that holiday party invitation. A new study suggests your host won’t care as much as you think. The research, published Dec. 11 in the Journal of Personality and…

Why You Should Trim Your Prescriptions

Too many seniors are prescribed too many drugs. About four of every 10 older adults take five or more medications, triple the rate from two decades ago. Almost 11 million Americans, or two…

Why the U.S. Nursing Shortage Keeps Getting Worse

Updated Jan. 12 Nurses in both the U.S. and U.K. flexed their bargaining muscle over the last few weeks amid increasing pressure on the countries’ respective health care system due to COVID-19. About…